Hello again everyone...
I have been very busy, and I have not updated my blog in a while, so I hope you except my apologies.
I spent a great weekend at
Ashefest, which took place at one of my favorite venues, Deer Fields. I was honored to be one of the festival photographer's and I got to spend some time with my good friend Margaret Lauzon of
VillaSonica who is a very talented videographer, and was capturing video of the festival that you can check on
MoBoogie's home page.

I got to get in Thursday night for the meeting, and to witness a great little electrical storm that passed our way...I shot this image (left) at midnight, leaving the shutter open for 30 seconds on my tripod. The lights in the bottom right are from the porch of the main cabin, and the reflection they cast on the smaller lake. The lights in the lower left are from a parked golf cart near by.
I also got the image on the right from the cabin

Again, long shutter , the lights are from a car driving past the lake on its way to the camping area. I like playing around with the long exposures as it gives you a view you do not normally get to see.
I also got my
LensBaby out and shot a couple of images...I especially like theone with the VW Bus coming around the lake.

To see the entire catalog if images from the weekend please visit my site:
www.jonleidel.com and go to the "Band Images" link on the bottom of the home page, follow it to the Ashefest link and you can view the images by day there. Drop me a line and let me know which one's you like best.
Here are a couple of shots from the Fire Dancers on Saturday night. This was one of the highlights of the weekend for me because fire dancers make for great images, Particle played (who I have known for sometime and have not seen in a while) and my friend Dave Hamilton from the
Moog Foundation played Theramin with the band!

Take Care...Be good to Yourself...